I'm not at all surprised that female historians of women's art have been erased by history, just like many of the women they wrote about. So often, a woman will be hugely well-known and successful for a time when alive and then disappear completely afterwards. I know it happens to men, too, but not so much I think.

Good luck with your American tour. What an adventure! I am still reading my library copy of The Story of Art Without Men here in North Wales and enjoying it so much that I am rationing myself to a chapter a week. Thanks for doing all that research. It was the perfect time to publish a new book on the subject and I love the accessible way you have done it.

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I found your Guardian article profound, in particular, the last paragraph , which I have copied into my journal for frequent rereading.

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Hopefully you will be in NYC at other times - as I will not be able to attend on Nov 2nd.

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Yay! You are coming to Ottawa. Can hardly wait!

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