Apr 8Liked by Katy Hessel

Listening to Lavinia Greenlaw podcast took me right back to my early concerns as a painter and poet. To balance words and silence. Really warming.

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I’m so curious - why isn’t Cute at Somerset House on your list of shows in London?

Also the Yoko Ono exhibit was amazing - I had really misunderstood her and her work, and it felt so expansive to learn about how engaging and collaborative she was through her art.

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Women in revolt! Podcast a necessary listen for a vital snippet of 70’s feminist art activity - margaret harrison as ships figure head. Sharing home, knowledge n skills and screenwash - not paintbrushes! Role models and the lack thereof in art schools early 80’s still, i had a sole female tutor at Edinburgh n one at Bristol and the latter, Caroline was a sculpture tutor - i studied painting - and acted as a fine pen-friend during my term in Paris…this podcast gives a flavour of womens sensibility to collaborate rather than compete ie having enjoyable creative adventures on a horizontal plain. Hats off!

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Amazing, you will have a lot of fans waiting for you Downunder. I have my second solo show and an artist talk on the 19th May in South Canterbury, so wont be able to attend!!! All the best!

Cheers Ynes. www.ynesguevara.com

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