Corita's rules have been a part of my life since freshman art class 1962 with Miss Woodaman (one of her graduate students) @ Immaculate Heart High School. Sr Corita, as we knew her, was often seen moving through the arcades...and always with a smile. She was just a really nice person!

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Wow! This is so cool.

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I'm a new subscriber, loving my initial delve in to your wisdom and guidance of our world of art. I've just moved from London to North Wales (for a lifestyle change) and am struggling most with not having world class art and culture venues and exhibitions on my doorstep to skip to at a moments notice. Pointers of your recommendations for any exhibition, events...this way - Nth Wales, Liverpool, Manchester - however small would be so valuable and insightful to us non-London centric art lovers. I'd be so grateful! Meanwhile, keeping up with your GWA content is helping quell my fear of becoming out of touch. Thank you! ❤️

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Great idea. Thank you so much for your note!

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